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MOPR Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Rodzinie w Zabrzu | Municipal Family Assistance Centre in Zabrze

Pawła Stalmacha 7, Zabrze, Polska
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MOPR Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Rodzinie w Zabrzu | Municipal Family Assistance Centre in Zabrze

Pawła Stalmacha 7, Zabrze, Polska

The Point’s task is to inform Ukrainian citizens about the possibility of obtaining all forms of assistance on the territory of the City of Zabrze, including the possibility of accommodation, financial and material support.

The Point is open to all kinds of help for Ukrainian citizens.

The Information and Consultation Point for Ukrainian Refugees of the Municipal Family Welfare Centre in Zabrze cooperates closely with the Polish Red Cross Branch in Zabrze, where support can be obtained in the form of food with a long shelf life, clothing, personal hygiene products and cleaning products.

In cooperation with the Silesian Food Bank in Chorzów, until now the Point has supervised regular transports of goods to the Polish Red Cross. These goods are issued by the Polish Red Cross to all refugees after a referral has been made by a social worker at the District Social Assistance Point competent for the place of residence of the person in need. In addition, products are supported to those in accommodation facilities in the city depending on the needs reported.

Category of aid

Legal Aid
Financial Aid
Information Sources
  • General Information
  • Employment
  • Housing & Shelter
  • Psychological Support
  • Health Care
  • Other
Material Aid
  • Food
  • Clothing
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Silesian province

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • public administration
Type of facility
  • MOPS / GOPS (Social Welfare Centre)
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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