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Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych ę | Society of Creative Initiatives ę

Hoża 35, Warszawa
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Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych ę | Society of Creative Initiatives ę

Hoża 35, Warszawa

On September 19, 2022, the acceptance of applications for the grant program „New relations – actions for the inclusion and integration of generations of people from Ukraine with refugee experience” began. Subsidies in the amount of PLN 40,000 to 80,000 will be provided to selected initiatives of non-governmental organizations and local state cultural institutions.

The purpose of the program is to support projects of social integration and adaptation of refugees and war refugees from Ukraine in Poland, with a special emphasis on people aged 50+, including people with disabilities. Activities that prevent discrimination, promote multiculturalism and are based on respect for autonomy and tolerance will be supported.

They are looking for non-governmental organizations and cultural institutions of local self-government that have experience in the activation or integration of people aged 50+, have implemented intergenerational activities or organized initiatives for the integration of migrants and/or refugees.

Other groups should also be among the direct recipients of the program’s activities, such as older Poles, representatives of the local community of various ages, migrants from other countries, as well as Ukrainians who lived in Poland before the current crisis. The project implementation period may last up to 8 months, and the project activities should start no later than October 28, 2022.

Applications will be accepted until October 9, 2022. The recruitment results will be announced on October 18.

Detailed information, regulations and the application form can be found on the website:

Category of aid

Financial Aid
Information Sources
  • General Information
  • Employment
  • Housing & Shelter
  • Health Care
Culture & Integration
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Ukraine
  • All of Poland
  • All of Ukraine

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • non-governmental organization
Mode of operation
  • in-person
  • helpline
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • English
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Organization website
Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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