NoirUnited Strategic Objectives for Refugees Fleeing Ukraine

Our goal is to garner as much support for Black and other marginlized communities that are often overlooked, mistreated, and left behind in times of crisis. We plan to continue raising awareness of the issue of racism and discrimination that Black people have faced in Ukraine and neighboring countries. We are looking to collaborate with the global community to ensure that all people affected by this war receive equal access to humanitarian support.

NUI Emergency Housing Assistance – Poland
NoirUnited International (NUI) is providing housing to displaced African students living in Poland and Ukraine.

This is supplemental housing assistance and is meant to cover or provide additional funding to support housing costs. There are limited spots available for each month and recipients will be selected based on most demonstrated need.

If you are an African/African-descent student from Ukraine and are currently in need of housing assistance, please fill out this form:

If you are an African/African-descent student from Ukraine and are currently in need of food assistance, please fill out this form:

Once completed, a NUI team member will contact you with next steps. Please note that completing  forms does not guarantee housing and food assistance.

Detailed information on the website:


Category of aid

Financial Aid
Information Sources
  • Housing & Shelter
Material Aid
  • Food
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Ukraine
  • All of Poland
  • All of Ukraine

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Adults
  • Elderly
  • Children
  • Youth

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • UN agenda, EU or international institution
Mode of operation
  • online
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
  • English
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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