Map of Preparatory Classes for Ukrainian students

“Map of Preparatory Classes for Ukrainian Pupils” was created to facilitate the location of educational units intended for refugee children from Ukraine who are subject to compulsory education. The map currently includes approximately 150 units from all over Poland – primarily from provincial cities. Every day, in cooperation with the education departments of individual localities, new data is added on the presence of units in smaller towns and villages. The map is available in Polish and Ukrainian.

Needs and actions

During the “Health Refuge – Migrant Health Crisis – Ukrainian Refugees 2022” conference in October, the Mapuj Pomoc team listened attentively to lectures from experts on refugee health care. There were voices drawing attention to the need to inform refugees about the existence of preparatory divisions as places for more effective integration (which undoubtedly has an impact on the mental health of children and young people). Hence, we went out to meet these expectations.

What are Preparatory Classes?

According to the educational law, these are “school classes for non-Polish nationals and persons who are Polish nationals and who are subject to compulsory schooling or compulsory education, who received their education in schools operating in the educational systems of other countries and who do not know the Polish language or know it at a level insufficient to benefit from education. This also applies to students who have communication disorders and adaptation difficulties related to cultural differences or to a change in the educational environment, which requires the adaptation of the educational process and organisation to their needs and educational possibilities.”

How to use the Map of Preparatory School Classes?

  1. When you open the link, you will find a list of provinces on the left-hand side (due to the limitations of Google maps, two neighbouring provinces form one section of the map).
  2. We select the area we are interested in and then the schools with preparatory classes appear.
  3. Once we have selected a particular establishment, we can check its name, type (primary school, secondary school, technical school, etc.), address and website.

On the school’s website, you will find the number to the secretariat or an email address where you can contact them directly.

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