An appeal by social organizations to the government and the President of the Republic of Poland regarding the situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border

On the initiative of the Batory Foundation together with several other organizations, including: Center for International Relations, Institute of Public Affairs, Polish Humanitarian Action, Polish Medical Mission, Polish Humanitarian Team, Education for Democracy Foundation, we sent an appeal to the government and the President of the Republic of Poland regarding the situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

For over three weeks, a group of Polish carriers has been blocking the largest crossings on the Polish-Ukrainian border. As a result of this blockade, the Ukrainian economy operating in a war situation is suffering multi-million losses, and some enterprises had to suspend their operations. There are serious delays in the delivery of humanitarian aid and assistance to the Ukrainian army, arranged largely by social organizations and private individuals. The blockade destroys the credibility and image of Poland, which is considered in Ukraine to be the main ally in the fight against the Russian aggressor. For Ukrainian and international opinion, it is an incomprehensible act of hostility and turning away from the Ukrainian society fighting for freedom and survival.

We understand the difficult situation of Polish carriers who, left on their own, without support from the Polish state, defend their vital interests. Respecting their right to defend their sources of income and a decent life, we express concern that in the face of the ongoing war, the adopted form of protest may lead to serious consequences for Ukraine’s military effort and our mutual relations.

We express solidarity with the appeal issued a few days ago by Ukrainian social organizations calling for an end to the blockade and we call on the Polish authorities: the government and the President to urgently start talks with the protesters about the conditions for ending this form of protest. Continued blockades of border crossings pose a threat to the functioning of the Ukrainian state and, therefore, to Poland’s security.

We appeal to the organizers of the blockade to abandon this form of protest. We appeal not to escalate the conflict and to try to resolve it through talks and negotiations.

We call on the Polish government, the President and all stakeholders to quickly start talks that will lead to the development of a systemic solution that will ensure fair conditions of competition between transport companies from Ukraine and the European Union.

Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Warszawa

Fundacja Centrum im. prof. Bronisława Geremka, Warszawa

Fundacja CultureLab (Mapuj Pomoc), Warszawa

Fundacja Edukacja dla Demokracji, Warszawa

grafika wesprzyj nas EN

Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego, Warszawa

Fundacja Inicjatywa Wschód, Warszawa

Fundacja Liberté!, Łódź

Fundacja „Ukraiński Dom”, Warszawa

Fundacja „Stand with Ukraine”

Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi

Grupa Zagranica, Warszawa

Inicjatywa społeczna „Euromaidan-Warszawa”

Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa

Kolegium Europy Wschodniej, Wrocław

Kultura Liberalna, Warszawa

Małopolskie Towarzystwo Oświatowe, Nowy Sącz

Polska Akcja Humanitarna, Warszawa

Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana, Warszawa

Polska Misja Medyczna, Warszawa

Polski Zespół Humanitarny, Muszyna

Polsko-ukraińska Fundacja Zustricz, Kraków

Stowarzyszenie Euro-Atlantyckie

Stowarzyszenie im. Stanisława Brzozowskiego, Warszawa

Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej, Warszawa

Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Bielska-Białej i Podbeskidzia, Bielsko-Biała

Visegrad Insight – Fundacja Res Publica, Warszawa

Związek Ukraińców w Polsce, Warszawa