PoMOCna kawa – a series of Mapuj Pomoc meetings

On September 27, at 10:00 am on Tuesday, Mapuj Pomoc launched a special series of online meetings “PoMOCna kawa”. All people who work in organizations and institutions working for refugees and refugee women from Ukraine in our country are cordially invited to participate!

PoMOCna kawa – what is it?

The series of meetings “PoMOCna kawa” was created with the idea of creating a space for getting to know each other, sharing experiences and information, as well as cooperation between people involved in aid activities for refugees and refugee women from Ukraine. In small groups, we will have the opportunity to talk about everyday difficulties as well as challenges – how we manage to “move mountains” and cope with various problems.

Meetings will be held every Tuesday, online, over morning coffee. They will be informal, so that we can get to know each other in a comfortable environment, talk about our activities, identify current needs and work out needed solutions.

Voice of Mapuj Pomoc

As we are creating the largest nationwide database of aid posts for refugees and refugee women from Ukraine, we are getting to know the main needs of aid posts on an ongoing basis. Therefore, we consider it extremely important to draw attention to these very issues. We want to strengthen the voice of smaller, local organizations, increase their visibility and make it easier for them to seek the support they need. Therefore, we will inform relevant institutions about the problems of our partners and ask for help on their behalf. We want to be the voice of Mapuj Pomoc!

Mapping of needs – join us!

We therefore invite to “PoMOCna Kawa” all people from NGOs and local institutions that run aid centers, reception points, educational institutions, community centers, night shelters, humanitarian aid transports and all other forms of activities supporting refugees and refugee women from Ukraine.

We know that there are impediments behind relief efforts that are rarely seen from the outside. These are problems common to many organizations. They concern issues of material assistance, financial support, psychological support, transportation, etc. Therefore, each of our meetings will focus on activities in a specific sector. We want the dialogue that has been started between organizations to exchange ideas, help each other and build motivation for action. If we join forces, we will be able to find effective ways to eliminate obstacles and introduce new and better solutions.

The project is being developed in cooperation with the Mercy Corps organization

First meeting: on September 27, Tuesday, 10:00-11:00 am “Mapping the most important needs of the organization”. Subsequent meetings: every Tuesday, 10:00 am

Starting in January 2023, we started a series of meetings with Ukrainian organizations once or twice a month. All events are held on Tuesdays. Below you will find links to meetings intended for Polish organizations and to meetings for Polish and Ukrainian organizations. NOTE: The meetings are held on two different platforms!



Form: initially exclusively online. Once a month, however, we would like to hold regional meetings – either stationary or hybrid.