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Stowarzyszenie Dwie Skały | Dwie Skały Association

Jerzego Rupniewskiego, Bydgoszcz, Polska
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Stowarzyszenie Dwie Skały | Dwie Skały Association

Jerzego Rupniewskiego, Bydgoszcz, Polska

Collection of donations from residents: Portiernia Fordońska Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa ul. Kleeberga 2, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Distribution of donations: ul. Wyszogrodzka 13, Monday 15-17, Wednesday 17-19 , Friday 10-12. Access: by bus 74, stop: Wyszogrodzka – Opalowa.

Information for volunteers: servicing people coming for support, sorting and preparing donations for distribution, keeping records of the point, support in promoting the collection. Demand and detailed information for volunteers: Agnieszka Turalska – tel. 728974387.

Category of aid

Material Aid
  • Food
  • Hygiene Products
  • Clothing
Other Support
  • Humanitarian aid transports
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Ukraine
  • Kuyavian-Pomeranian province
  • All of Ukraine

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • non-governmental organization
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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