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Narodnyj Dim – Dom Ukraiński w Przemyślu | Narodnyj Dim – Ukrainian House in Przemyśl

Tadeusza Kościuszki 5, Przemyśl, Polska
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Narodnyj Dim – Dom Ukraiński w Przemyślu | Narodnyj Dim – Ukrainian House in Przemyśl

Tadeusza Kościuszki 5, Przemyśl, Polska


  • Translation service and 24/7 assistance at the railway station in Przemyśl.
  • Running your own accommodation point. We provide:
    • full board,
    • psychological duty,
    • medical duty,
    • day room for children with the care of an animator,
    • assistance in various life situations.
  • Running a support point near the 5th platform at the railway station in Przemyśl (coffee, tea, water, snacks, Internet access, phone charging, providing information).
  • Running a “mother and child room” at the railway station in Przemyśl.
  • Psychological support for employees and volunteers.
  • Preparation and distribution of materials warning against abuse, exploitation, sexual violence, human trafficking.


  • Running an environmental club – fri 12:30-17:30 (including an intensive summer course in Polish for children from Ukraine applying for schools in Przemyśl, piano lessons).
  • Polish language courses at various levels for adults.
  • Ukrainian language course.
  • Ukrainian language and transliteration course for officials.
  • Guided tours of Przemyśl for new residents of the city and the surrounding area.
  • Legal support.
  • Help and assistance in contacts with offices.
  • Job search.
  • Searching for a place for long-term residence throughout Poland.
  • Rental of 8 apartments for families with special needs and the search for new locations with the possibility of adaptation.
  • A permanent offer of educational and integration workshops for all residents of the city and the surrounding area, conducted primarily by refugees (traditional singing, choir singing, painting “petrykivka”, singing for children, gymnastics for children, gymnastics for adults, including 50+, handicrafts for children and adults, playing the violin).
  • Support and assistance in various life situations (from birth to issues related to cremation and burial).
  • Support for volunteers (e.g. psychological help, training).
  • Organization of artistic residencies for artists from Ukraine.
  • Organization of cultural, educational and Polish-Ukrainian dialogue events, also conducive to the integration of new residents of the city.
  • Running a library and reading room at the Ukrainian House in Przemyśl, which is also willingly used by refugees.

Category of aid

  • Language Classes
  • Training & Workshops
Housing & Shelter
  • Information (helplines, websites)
Legal Aid
Financial Aid
Information Sources
  • General Information
  • Employment
  • Housing & Shelter
  • Psychological Support
  • Other
Material Aid
  • Food
  • Clothing
Psychological Support
Culture & Integration
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Subcarpathian province

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Activity details

  • Związek Ukraińców w Polsce Oddział w Przemyślu
Form of legal activity
  • non-governmental organization
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Date of last data update
  • 8 July 2024

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