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Miejskie Centrum Kontaktu Warszawa 19115 | The Helpline of Warsaw Сity 19115

Warszawa, Polska
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Miejskie Centrum Kontaktu Warszawa 19115 | The Helpline of Warsaw Сity 19115

Warszawa, Polska

The Helpline of Warsaw city 19115 helps Ukrainian citizens who live in Warsaw.

Information for Ukrainian citizens can be found here.

Telephone 19 115 – by using the number 19 115 you will get full information about the services provided by the City Hall and municipal units, report a problem that should be dealt with by city services, and share your idea for improving the city. The number 19115 is a uniform Warsaw-wide contact number, both for landlines and mobile phones. It also works in Ukrainian.

Category of aid

Housing & Shelter
  • Information (helplines, websites)
Legal Aid
Health Care
  • Information (helplines, websites)
Information Sources
  • General Information
  • Employment
  • Housing & Shelter
  • Psychological Support
  • Health Care
  • Other
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Mazovian province

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • public administration
Mode of operation
  • helpline
  • online
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
  • English
Period of operation
  • permanent operation
Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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