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Jadłodajnia – Zgromadzenie Sióstr Franciszkanek Rodziny Maryi | Canteen – the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary

Niegolewskich 23, 61-001 Poznań, Polska
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Jadłodajnia – Zgromadzenie Sióstr Franciszkanek Rodziny Maryi | Canteen – the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary

Niegolewskich 23, 61-001 Poznań, Polska

Hours of serving meals:

  • Monday – Friday and the last Saturday of the month, 11.00-12.00 (hot meals and drinks)

Address: ul. Niegolewskich 23 (entrance from Bogusławskiego).

Category of aid

Material Aid
  • Food
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Greater Poland province

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • religious organization or community
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Date of last data update
  • 23 July 2024

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