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Fundacja Nieobcy | Nieobcy Foundation

Dworcowa 35, Żory, Polska
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Fundacja Nieobcy | Nieobcy Foundation

Dworcowa 35, Żory, Polska

The foundation’s mission is to support new residents of Żory and the Żachodni Subregion who decided to settle in Poland, hence 𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐎𝐁𝐂𝐘, i.e. almost like Swój.

🔖The Foundation offers a wide range of support for migrants and war refugees in adaptation and integration into local society, and also promotes Ukrainian-Polish cultural dialogue.

🔖On a daily basis we implement:

  • Polish as a foreign language courses for adults and youth
  • vocal studio “Gwiazdeczka” for children with refugee experience
  • art therapy anti-stress and anti-crisis workshops for children, adolescents and their parents
  • Slavic folk art workshops

🔖We consult on the legalization of work, the stay of foreigners and professional development in Poland.

🔖We organize and co-organize integration events in the city of Żory, and we also provide promotional support to the local Ukrainian song group Chornobrywci.

🔖One of the key issues for us is the 2-year-old initiative “I’ll Weave You an Amulet”, which involves weaving camouflage nets by war refugees, which serves as a therapeutic support circle for women affected by the war in Ukraine.

Addresses of masking net weaving points: Żory, ul. Dworcowa 35 / Rybnik, ul. Szafranka 7 / Wodzisław Śląski, ul. Styczyńskiego 2.

🔖We are authentic in what we do: a few years ago we went through a difficult path of adaptation and professional and social implementation in a foreign country, and now we are creating such a support network for others in our region – TO MAKE POLAND BECOME A SECOND HOME FOR US

We invite you to contact us and provide financial support for our statutory activities.

Bank account 87 1600 1462 1805 9133 9000 0001 PNB Paribas, recipient: NIEOBCY foundation, transfer title: donation for statutory purposes

Category of aid

  • Language Classes
  • Training & Workshops
Legal Aid
Information Sources
  • General Information
  • Employment
Material Aid
  • Other in-kind assistance
Culture & Integration
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Ukraine
  • Silesian province
  • Donetsk region
  • Lugansk region
  • Kherson region
  • Zaporizhia region
  • Kharkiv region

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Adults
  • Youth

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • non-governmental organization
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Ukrainian
  • Polish
  • Russian
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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