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Fundacja Nidaros | Nidaros Foundation

Duchacka 3, Kraków, Polska
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Fundacja Nidaros | Nidaros Foundation

Duchacka 3, Kraków, Polska

Once a week, our volunteers provide people who have found independent homes with the necessary household chemicals, toilet paper, groats, rice, tinned food, baby food, pampers, fresh food, whatever they need and are not yet financially able to afford, they receive from us. We pay the rents and utilities for the flats in which the refugees are accommodated. At the moment, we can financially afford to help two hundred people a month. Twice a week we organize integration activities for children. On 30 April there was rhythmics with elements of singing and science. The children could feel a dose of normality. We were visited by residents from Ukraine, mothers with children, whom we helped to find a home, and now they willingly visit us on integration occasions.

The Foundation’s immediate goal is to organize and prepare a big children’s day for 300 children and 200 mothers who fled the war and took refuge in the Koninki Ostoja Centre, with which we regularly cooperate. We are planning to organize integration, games, face painting, ice cream, snacks and everything that will help them move to the land of dreams, if only for a moment. Our mission is to help as many mothers as possible with their children who are fleeing the war. We provide shelter, help in finding a house, a job, documentation, Polish and English language courses, and most of all we provide Ukrainian refugees with a safe and friendly place to live.


Category of aid

  • Language Classes
  • Training & Workshops
Housing & Shelter
  • Information (helplines, websites)
Information Sources
  • Employment
  • Housing & Shelter
Material Aid
  • Food
  • Hygiene Products
  • Other in-kind assistance
Other Support
  • Humanitarian aid transports
Culture & Integration
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Lesser Poland province

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly
Support for vulnerable groups
  • Single parent
  • Large families
  • Pregnant women and new mothers

Activity details

Form of legal activity
  • non-governmental organization
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Organization website
Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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