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Centrum Integracji Mudita | Mudita Integration Centre

Dworska 1, Kraków, Polska
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Centrum Integracji Mudita | Mudita Integration Centre

Dworska 1, Kraków, Polska

The Centre is open Tuesday till Saturday from 11:00 to 19:00

Mudita Integration Center is a place where we provide assistance to those at risk of exclusion – especially people with disabilities and their families, as well as refugees and migrants.

We also invite everyone to events, meetings, and workshops. Meetings are open to all and free of charge. We offer assistance in Polish and Ukrainian languages.

Mudita Integration Centre offers the following types of support:

Informative support:

  • The staff on duty helps in finding information about forms of assistance for refugees, legalization of stay and confirmation of disability procedures, filling the necessary documents and application forms, finding and making medical appointments via a phone or on the site. 
  • A mobile assistant helps you deal with various matters that require moving around the city, e.g. helps you with filling out documents, accompanies and translates during visits to offices or at the doctor’s.
  • Meetings and consultations with specialists in various fields, representatives of other non-governmental organizations, e.g. legal consultations.

Psychological support:

  • Consultations in Ukrainian. Meeting dates are set individually during the Centre’s opening hours.

Polish language courses:

  • Polish language classes at two levels: basic and intermediate

Personal development and integration events:

  • Workshops on developing professional skills.
  • DIY workshops.
  • Integration events and meetings. 
  • Trips to places of interest.

The Integration Center operates free of charge and is open to everyone, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or ability.

The premises are wheelchair accessible.

Category of aid

  • Language Classes
  • Training & Workshops
Health Care
  • Information (helplines, websites)
Information Sources
  • General Information
  • Psychological Support
  • Health Care
  • Other
Other Support
  • Translation / Language Assistance
Culture & Integration
Country / Region:
  • Poland
  • Lesser Poland province

Who is the help for?

Age group
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Adults
  • Elderly
Support for vulnerable groups
  • People with disabilities
  • Chronically ill persons

Activity details

  • Stowarzyszenie Mudita
Form of legal activity
  • non-governmental organization
Type of facility
  • Information point
Mode of operation
  • in-person
Assistance offered in language
  • Ukrainian
  • Polish
  • Russian
Period of operation
  • permanent operation


Phone number
Date of last data update
  • 4 July 2024

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